Calvary Refuge Center
Forest Park, Georgia
Providing a safe, faith-based environment for individuals and families while providing the tools to transition from homelessness to self sufficiency with dignity and pride.
Calvary Refuge Center is always in need of financial donations to keep the Center open to help those in need. There are several payment options for you to choose from. Thank you for your interest in helping others with your financial support.
One Time or Recurring Donation
You may choose a one time donation or a recurring monthly amount that you set using your credit card or PayPal. Just click thee donate button and follow the instructions.
PayPal or Credit Card
Automatic Bill Pay
Contact your bank to set up an automatic bill pay that will pay the Center each month an amount that you choose.
You may also pay through our new CASH app. Scan the QR code or donate to: $CalvaryRefugeCenter